2010, part 1 – Finished objects!

Happy new year!

Going from knowing nothing to learning to both crochet and knit during the past year – I’m quite proud of myself, I must say! 🙂

Here’s a small summary of 2010’s finished objects – you can find the blog posts about them to the right. Maybe you see something you like and missed earlier!




Teal Socks


Pin Cushion

Pin Cushion



Squirrel Hat


Neck Warmer

Neck Warmer


Hexagon Bag

Hexagon Bag



Scrap Slippers


Wrist Warmers

Wrist Warmers


Crochet Bolero

Crochet Waistcoat


Finished: Kettle Holder

Kettle Holder


Baby Cardigan

Baby Cardigan



Fair Isle Hat


Crochet hat

Sweetness hat


Eskimo slippers

Slippers pink/glitter


Cat mittens

Cat Mittens


Miette cardigan finished!

Miette Cardigan


Newborn wrap

Newborn Wrap


Crochet bag, African Flowers

African Flower Bag



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12 responses to “2010, part 1 – Finished objects!”

  1. Debi Y. avatar

    They’re all very lovely – I love the hexagon bag. Have a happy New Year. 🙂

  2. Plutt avatar

    Åh, du är superduktig! 😀

    Gott nytt år! ♥

  3. Ames and Tash avatar

    Fantastic! You are so talented! I love the hexagon bag – very cute xo Ames

  4. Frualbertsson avatar

    Så fint allt var! Bäst av allt var dina kattvantar, de är helt underbara.
    Gott Nytt… lite sent jag vet, men bättre sent än aldrig 🙂

  5. Fiff avatar

    Det var mycket fint du har hunnit med 🙂

  6. Just-Do avatar

    I never would have guessed that a year ago you couldn’t crochet or knit at all! It is really amazing that you have made all these items. Some of them are quite complicated and they all turned out very nice. If this is what you are capable of within one year, I am very curious to what you are going to do next.

  7. Clara avatar

    Beautiful! All of it! Happy, Happy New Year!

  8. Inge avatar

    WOW! Så många fina saker du har skapat.

  9. Hedvig avatar

    Oj! Har du lärt dig sticka och virka i år?! I så fall är jag GRYMT imponerad!!!

  10. Heidi avatar

    Vad duktig du är! African flower bag är ju urtjusig!

  11. Marita avatar

    jättefina saker du gjort!!
    Kreativt och gott nytt år.

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