Pattern: Baby Blizzard

Blizzard baby cardiganBlizzard baby cardiganBlizzard baby cardigan

A new pattern!
I seem to have a thing for baby cardigans and sweaters – it’s a fast and fun knit! But, I have some other things on the way too! ^.^
Baby Blizzard is knitted top down and seamless (the best method!), slightly asymmetric with a simple lace panel on one side.
I knitted the white one first, size 3m in Sandnes Garn Duett (a nasty yarn to work with, to be honest!). After that the yellow one, size 6m cropped bolero version in Artesano Superwash Merino – one of my favourite yarns. It’s the same yarn I used for one of the Baby Boleros.
What do you think?


Baby Blizzard on Ravelry


Baby Blizzard – English (pdf)

Baby Blizzard – Swedish (pdf)


Ett nytt mönster!
Jag tycks ha fastnat för babykoftor och tröjor – det är så snabbt och roligt! Men, jag har faktiskt lite annat på gång också! ^.^
Baby Blizzard stickas uppifrån och ner utan sömmar (den allra bästa metoden enligt mig!), lite asymmetrisk med en enkel mönsterpanel på ena sidan.
Den vita stickades först, storlek 3m i Sandnes Garn Duett (ett otroligt otäckt garn att sticka med, ärligt talat). Den gula kom efter det, storlek 6m avkortad boleroversion i Artesano Superwash Merino – ett av mina favoritgarner! Det är samma garn som jag använde till en av mina Baby Boleros.
Vad tycker ni?



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9 responses to “Pattern: Baby Blizzard”

  1. lirosa avatar

    Beautiful, vakker, herlig…
    god strikkesøndag
    -if I only had a human baby-

  2. Erin Kate avatar

    I love the asymmetrical eyelets! Too cute!

  3. CrochetBlogger avatar

    Love the effect of the asymmetry!

  4. Fiff avatar

    Ännu en cool bebiskofta! Gillar när det är lite busigt och assymetriskt 🙂 Duktigt!

  5. Emma O'Riordan avatar

    This is gorgeous! Well done!

  6. Just-Do avatar

    Hi Madeleine,
    There is a surprise for you on my blog!

  7. Emilia avatar

    Åh – snygg!!

  8. Caroline avatar

    I fell in love with Baby Blizzard, and started It last night. All my grandchildren are boys ( beautiful boys, that is), and now I have a lovely, tiny grand-niece – this would be perfect, I thought.

    But………as I do the beginning – 4 rows of ribbing and then an increase row – I wind up with more stitches at the end of the increase row (raglan setup) than I think I should. I have counted and re-counted, worked and re-worked, and I wind up with 69 stitches PLUS an additional 4 at the end.

    What do I do with the extra 4? Is this the raglan band? The buttonhole band? It is not addressed at all in the pattern.

    1. madeleine avatar

      I’m glad you like my pattern! The numbers should be correct. I’m getting back to you in e-mail to see if I can help! 🙂

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